Hooked ON Wood

The Next level BenchDogs are Amazing! And save you a lot of Money!

Hooked on Wood 'Dream WorkShop' enjoy my shop tour!

$300 workbench build video! Also for beginners!

Are these four 'Must-Have' tools for woodworking?

The 'TRUTH' about affordable Parallel Guide Systems!

Building my ultimate workbench. Episode 1

This is the most accurate Square available!

Rayjet R 400 laser engraver. One year experience! review

Wood Away Level 170 Solution Walkthrough

The NEW Reference Sharpening system comes from China at an unbeatable price!

Amazing woodworking tool never seen before!

Best tip for when you design your workbench #shorts

Brand New Automatic Blast gates! Awesome product!

INSANE Woodworking Workshop Tour!

Is this the best Combination T-ruler in the market? Hooked On Wood edition!

Save HUNDREDS of dollars building your workbench like this!

Creating an Ultimate Miter Saw Fence! Did I just crack the dust extraction code for a Miter Saw?

Affordable and easy to build accurate workbench router table

China tools: Workbench Accessories on a BUDGET!

Amazing Miter Saw Upgrade! How to build video

China Tools Ep.55, Is this small routertable a tool or toy?

The most accurate Doweling Jig, China Tools Ep.49

Amazing woodworking tools everyone can afford! China Tools Ep. 52

Very Affordable router lift I used for 8 months, China Tools 36